Carbonite ShieldFull unit name: [TOR Carbonite Shield]
Last updated: 14.09.2024 14:49:03
Basic info
First appearance: The Old Republic
The Old Republic
Known Facts (1)
Double Negative (1) »
The Carbonite-Reinforced Shield - or simply Carbonite Shield - was a defensive technology that projected a field of carbonite-reinforced energy that protected the user from energy, the elements, or other hazards. It was small enough to be worn on a belt or arm. When activated, the device protected the user with a carbonite-reinforced energy field, absorbing up to 40% of incoming hazards. Lasting for about ten seconds, it took about three minutes to recharge once depleted.
Organizations that used this weapon or equipment
Reconstitued Sith Empire

Full unit name: [TOR Carbonite Shield] Last updated: 14.09.2024 14:49:03